When you have a head, neck, shoulders, chest, waist, legs, acid, hemp, swelling, pain, that your spine has been problems, and in most cases, if you will anteroposterior dislocation of the spine, the symptoms will disappear. - If each vertebra are in the normal position, then the entire spine showed two forward bending (neck curve and lumbar curvature), two a backward bending (thoracic curve and sacral music.) When the curvature of the spine is a good place ---- bent the bend, the straight parts are straight, people is not easy to get sick; if the change in curvature of the spine, the body is often sub-health or chronic diseases into problems. -
31 human nerve foramen, respectively, to wear clothing from the spine and throughout the body, regulating the body's normal physiological dominated activities. When the pelvis, spine dislocation, the original space to a small foramen, the first deformation of the surrounding muscles, ligaments tension change, three-dimensional spinal motion (flexion, back, lateral bending) that barriers to further oppression of blood vessels, nerves , blocking the meridians, causing a feeling of movement disorders and physiological changes in organs, resulting in disturbance of endocrine function, leading to many diseases. Early headache, dizziness, decreased vision, neck stiffness, dreams, insomnia, thirst, upset, tinnitus, deafness, chest tightness, shortness of breath, shoulder pain, weak waist, malaise, slow response, abdominal pain, difficulty in urination, constipation, diarrhea, obesity, weight loss, male impotence, menstrual disorders, further blocking the meridians, the condition aggravated, decreased physiological function and accelerate the body's aging process, and even cancer. Similarly, when an organ unhealthy, they can be found from the spine of its anomalies, and spinal cord directly through the removal of the root cause of conservation. -
dislocation, is the bone malposition. As long as there is between bones shift slightly wrong, is not correct, will cause the surrounding normal soft tissue tension, disorder, the corresponding limb pain occurs, hemp, cold and other symptoms. -
reset is to use practices on the bones of the dislocation fine-tuning to achieve the muscle, tendon, bone, meat, the balance between, and thus relieved the tension and reduce pain. -
- -
About spine: -
by the seven cervical spine bones, 12 thoracic bones, five lumbar vertebrae, a sacrum, a caudal (sacral vertebrae and tail vertebrae from birth were 4 to 5 bones fused together an) composition. -
each section of the vertebrae and adjacent vertebrae through the complex between the joints, ligaments and intervertebral discs connected to each other. It is like a spinal disc between stress indispensable The jelly, the water accounts for 80%, so it is like jelly as the outside pressure can still change the position and shape. In order to prevent Other small joints between the vertebrae, ligaments may also have occurred in our daily operations of various injuries. -
do not think these are very minor details, not surprising, in fact every detail that could undermine the whole spine, and even affect the whole body's health. For example, a section of cervical dislocation, most likely connected to the compression of the spinal nerves, leading to organ function below the offset, because the spinal nerves through the neck often leads throughout the body, it will be any general function implicated in paraplegia is the most typical example; When a section of lumbar disc herniation, there may result in the top of the spinal curvature is changed, then the spinal canal in the spinal nerve compression, not only cause pain, but also affect organ function . -
our head, neck, shoulders, like a tree, they are the root trunk and spine that can not be separated as a whole. Strictly speaking, even the head can be considered an extension of the spine, because the head and spine from us, or when the embryo is so small as a single entity has been jointly grow. Therefore, the position will directly affect the spine head, but also directly affects the activities of the head spine, affecting the whole body function. Connection head and spine is the neck, if you position improperly, such as customary head forward, chin too recessed, arched shoulders and so on, can cause neck muscle tension and stiffness, shoulder the long run will not only feel pain, numbness, and even the back will feel discomfort, and even the general health levels. -
pelvis so it? Pelvic base to contain the spine, affecting its natural curvature, if the pelvis is too forward, too forward, or one high and one low on both sides of the pelvis, leg length will lead to the occurrence of the phenomenon, and thus make scoliosis, spinal cord compression, and ultimately makes spinal nerve is connected with the decline in organ function. -
- dislocation may lead to those diseases? -
- Click image to enlarge
- -
1 cervical vertigo, migraine, insomnia, drowsiness, lethargy, head, neck hypertension, cerebral insufficiency -
2 cervical dizziness, headache, insomnia, drowsiness, dry eyes, tinnitus, tachycardia -
3 cervical vertigo, head dazed, migraine headaches, neck and shoulder syndrome -
4 cervical dizziness, nausea, hiccups, his hands numb, frozen shoulder, stiff neck -
cervical 5 chest pain, heart rate too slow, nausea, hiccups, neck, shoulder, hand pain -
6 blood pressure cervical, shoulder pain, shoulder, thumb and finger food Ma -
shortness of breath, chest tightness 7 cervical, fourth, numbness fingers, neck, shoulder pain -
thoracic 1 shortness of breath, shortness of breath, elbow hand pain, cold, early Bo -
shortness of breath, chest pain, thoracic 2 -
3 thoracic lung, bronchial symptoms, colds -
4 thoracodorsal thoracic pain, chest tightness, long sigh -
5 thoracic pain, low blood pressure, stomach cramps -
6 thoracic stomach pain, indigestion, stomach cramps -
7 thoracic ulcer symptoms, indigestion -
immunocompromised thoracic 8 -
9 thoracic kidney dysfunction, urine gonorrhea and urinary poor -
10 thoracic renal dysfunction sexual dysfunction -
thoracic 11 renal dysfunction, urinary tract disease -
12 cool under the thoracic abdominal pain fatigue syndrome -
1 lumbar colonic dysfunction, constipation, diarrhea, back pain, lower abdominal pain -
2 lumbar pain, lumbar pain, sexual function decline -
3 lumbar bladder, menstrual disorders, oliguria, waist, knee pain, weakness inside -
4 lumbar back pain, sciatica, difficulty urinating, frequent urination, or oliguria, leg pain radiation to the calf outside -
lumbar 5 legs, poor circulation, lower limb weakness afraid of cold, low back pain to the calf posterolateral Ma -
sacral lumbosacral joint disease, foot pain, Ma cool the root sense of bladder disease -
caudal tail bone pain -
you can control on the chart or table, check out their own piece of vertebrae misalignment, or what their symptoms, check whether the corresponding dislocation of the spine, The method used Traumatology anteroposterior dislocation of the bones. -
how simple check: -
1. that is checked it is best to wear a thin clothing, check the inspectors who stood by the side; -
2. Check out those hands are the index finger and middle finger, near the head of the inspected first-hand hold down the spine of the upper horizontal; the other hand upright with the spine parallel to the direction of the index finger and middle finger, respectively, on both sides of the centerline. About two points along the spine of the forces with sliding action. -
3. to see whether the integrity of the spine, on the one hand directly through the hands touch the other hand, by observing the clothes left on the sliding track, which is the reason suggested wear thin clothing. -
this self-examination can also: -
plastic wrap with a tube, hollow place filled with a wooden implement, roll a towel and then outside, sit in a hard bed, with volume from the stick waist to neck pressure in the back section by section arrived there pain that is. (You can also substitute fresh paper roll) -
spinal positioning: -
not touch the neck of a; can touch the neck II; can turn the neck seven; the middle one is the neck four; not Turn the chest one; medial scapular connection is the most outstanding points and four thoracic; shoulder the bottom level of the connection is chest seven; twelfth thoracic rib starting point is twelve; twelfth rib end of the second lumbar level of connection ; ilium is the top level of the connection back four; the top of the first sacral spinous process of lumbar five; lumbar spine is the sacrum below; sacral vertebra is the vertebra below; -
Orthopedics and Traumatology of the method requires a doctor and treatment. Spine slightly protruding bulge can press the two superimposed spine thumb, push in the spine when the first wine with ginger, peeled and then press apply, press flat so far. Concave, and lateral bending more difficult their correct positions.
31 human nerve foramen, respectively, to wear clothing from the spine and throughout the body, regulating the body's normal physiological dominated activities. When the pelvis, spine dislocation, the original space to a small foramen, the first deformation of the surrounding muscles, ligaments tension change, three-dimensional spinal motion (flexion, back, lateral bending) that barriers to further oppression of blood vessels, nerves , blocking the meridians, causing a feeling of movement disorders and physiological changes in organs, resulting in disturbance of endocrine function, leading to many diseases. Early headache, dizziness, decreased vision, neck stiffness, dreams, insomnia, thirst, upset, tinnitus, deafness, chest tightness, shortness of breath, shoulder pain, weak waist, malaise, slow response, abdominal pain, difficulty in urination, constipation, diarrhea, obesity, weight loss, male impotence, menstrual disorders, further blocking the meridians, the condition aggravated, decreased physiological function and accelerate the body's aging process, and even cancer. Similarly, when an organ unhealthy, they can be found from the spine of its anomalies, and spinal cord directly through the removal of the root cause of conservation. -
dislocation, is the bone malposition. As long as there is between bones shift slightly wrong, is not correct, will cause the surrounding normal soft tissue tension, disorder, the corresponding limb pain occurs, hemp, cold and other symptoms. -
reset is to use practices on the bones of the dislocation fine-tuning to achieve the muscle, tendon, bone, meat, the balance between, and thus relieved the tension and reduce pain. -
- -
About spine: -
by the seven cervical spine bones, 12 thoracic bones, five lumbar vertebrae, a sacrum, a caudal (sacral vertebrae and tail vertebrae from birth were 4 to 5 bones fused together an) composition. -
each section of the vertebrae and adjacent vertebrae through the complex between the joints, ligaments and intervertebral discs connected to each other. It is like a spinal disc between stress indispensable The jelly, the water accounts for 80%, so it is like jelly as the outside pressure can still change the position and shape. In order to prevent Other small joints between the vertebrae, ligaments may also have occurred in our daily operations of various injuries. -
do not think these are very minor details, not surprising, in fact every detail that could undermine the whole spine, and even affect the whole body's health. For example, a section of cervical dislocation, most likely connected to the compression of the spinal nerves, leading to organ function below the offset, because the spinal nerves through the neck often leads throughout the body, it will be any general function implicated in paraplegia is the most typical example; When a section of lumbar disc herniation, there may result in the top of the spinal curvature is changed, then the spinal canal in the spinal nerve compression, not only cause pain, but also affect organ function . -
our head, neck, shoulders, like a tree, they are the root trunk and spine that can not be separated as a whole. Strictly speaking, even the head can be considered an extension of the spine, because the head and spine from us, or when the embryo is so small as a single entity has been jointly grow. Therefore, the position will directly affect the spine head, but also directly affects the activities of the head spine, affecting the whole body function. Connection head and spine is the neck, if you position improperly, such as customary head forward, chin too recessed, arched shoulders and so on, can cause neck muscle tension and stiffness, shoulder the long run will not only feel pain, numbness, and even the back will feel discomfort, and even the general health levels. -
pelvis so it? Pelvic base to contain the spine, affecting its natural curvature, if the pelvis is too forward, too forward, or one high and one low on both sides of the pelvis, leg length will lead to the occurrence of the phenomenon, and thus make scoliosis, spinal cord compression, and ultimately makes spinal nerve is connected with the decline in organ function. -
- dislocation may lead to those diseases? -
- Click image to enlarge
- -
1 cervical vertigo, migraine, insomnia, drowsiness, lethargy, head, neck hypertension, cerebral insufficiency -
2 cervical dizziness, headache, insomnia, drowsiness, dry eyes, tinnitus, tachycardia -
3 cervical vertigo, head dazed, migraine headaches, neck and shoulder syndrome -
4 cervical dizziness, nausea, hiccups, his hands numb, frozen shoulder, stiff neck -
cervical 5 chest pain, heart rate too slow, nausea, hiccups, neck, shoulder, hand pain -
6 blood pressure cervical, shoulder pain, shoulder, thumb and finger food Ma -
shortness of breath, chest tightness 7 cervical, fourth, numbness fingers, neck, shoulder pain -
thoracic 1 shortness of breath, shortness of breath, elbow hand pain, cold, early Bo -
shortness of breath, chest pain, thoracic 2 -
3 thoracic lung, bronchial symptoms, colds -
4 thoracodorsal thoracic pain, chest tightness, long sigh -
5 thoracic pain, low blood pressure, stomach cramps -
6 thoracic stomach pain, indigestion, stomach cramps -
7 thoracic ulcer symptoms, indigestion -
immunocompromised thoracic 8 -
9 thoracic kidney dysfunction, urine gonorrhea and urinary poor -
10 thoracic renal dysfunction sexual dysfunction -
thoracic 11 renal dysfunction, urinary tract disease -
12 cool under the thoracic abdominal pain fatigue syndrome -
1 lumbar colonic dysfunction, constipation, diarrhea, back pain, lower abdominal pain -
2 lumbar pain, lumbar pain, sexual function decline -
3 lumbar bladder, menstrual disorders, oliguria, waist, knee pain, weakness inside -
4 lumbar back pain, sciatica, difficulty urinating, frequent urination, or oliguria, leg pain radiation to the calf outside -
lumbar 5 legs, poor circulation, lower limb weakness afraid of cold, low back pain to the calf posterolateral Ma -
sacral lumbosacral joint disease, foot pain, Ma cool the root sense of bladder disease -
caudal tail bone pain -
you can control on the chart or table, check out their own piece of vertebrae misalignment, or what their symptoms, check whether the corresponding dislocation of the spine, The method used Traumatology anteroposterior dislocation of the bones. -
how simple check: -
1. that is checked it is best to wear a thin clothing, check the inspectors who stood by the side; -
2. Check out those hands are the index finger and middle finger, near the head of the inspected first-hand hold down the spine of the upper horizontal; the other hand upright with the spine parallel to the direction of the index finger and middle finger, respectively, on both sides of the centerline. About two points along the spine of the forces with sliding action. -
3. to see whether the integrity of the spine, on the one hand directly through the hands touch the other hand, by observing the clothes left on the sliding track, which is the reason suggested wear thin clothing. -
this self-examination can also: -
plastic wrap with a tube, hollow place filled with a wooden implement, roll a towel and then outside, sit in a hard bed, with volume from the stick waist to neck pressure in the back section by section arrived there pain that is. (You can also substitute fresh paper roll) -
spinal positioning: -
not touch the neck of a; can touch the neck II; can turn the neck seven; the middle one is the neck four; not Turn the chest one; medial scapular connection is the most outstanding points and four thoracic; shoulder the bottom level of the connection is chest seven; twelfth thoracic rib starting point is twelve; twelfth rib end of the second lumbar level of connection ; ilium is the top level of the connection back four; the top of the first sacral spinous process of lumbar five; lumbar spine is the sacrum below; sacral vertebra is the vertebra below; -
Orthopedics and Traumatology of the method requires a doctor and treatment. Spine slightly protruding bulge can press the two superimposed spine thumb, push in the spine when the first wine with ginger, peeled and then press apply, press flat so far. Concave, and lateral bending more difficult their correct positions.
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