Thursday, December 2, 2010

Balance Acupuncture (point papers) Links 2

Positioning by lifting point: this point in the middle of the head, front hairline 10cm (5 inch), after the hair straight 16cm (8 inches) out, dual tip, 2cm (1 inch) at.
Local Anatomy: Vascular distribution of the subgaleal and left and right superficial temporal artery vein, and left occipital artery anastomosis network, neural branch of occipital nerve distribution.
acupoints principle: locate acupoints.
acupuncture principles: locate acupoints.
acupuncture Features: acupuncture, or the amount of the greater occipital nerve branches of acupuncture nerve branches appear appropriate.
acupuncture methods: periosteal outer tip forward along the subcutaneous level thorn 4cm (2 inches) or so , a hand needle to move forward, one hand can not touch the exposed tip in vitro.
acupuncture technique: The Needle practices, to be the needle body reaches a certain depth, using a clockwise twisting 6 laps, and then 6m10 twisting counterclockwise circle immediately after the needle out.
acupuncture: the strengthening of local swelling needle flu Ma Shen-based. (30 minutes automatic discharge)
features: Solid Sun care , Qi consolidate, yang diarrhea, kidney and spleen, visceral, anti-aging, increase immune function.
Indications: rectal prolapse, uterine prolapse, ptosis of the stomach and other diseases mainly in the gas settlement. Clinical also used to treat impotence, premature ejaculation, nocturnal emission, enuresis, prostatitis, prostatic hypertrophy, enteritis, chronic enteritis, hypotension, cervicitis, vaginitis, allergic asthma, chronic bronchitis, physical allergies, hemiplegia, etc..
comment : by lifting the main body of function points is named after a particular point. clinically for the treatment of visceral ptosis, subsidence of the disease, mainly of gas. have qi points, impotence, known as points. Meanwhile, genitourinary system, respiratory system, nervous system, endocrine system, motion system has some regulatory role. is the preferred medicine for impotence Qi points. can also serve as points in the care of the elderly. can also serve as supporting points of all chronic diseases. For Needle needles being left behind after 30 minutes of general self-released. verses mentioned in the modern equivalent of enteritis intestinal wind.
verses: by lifting the head point, the pillow of God branch of frontal nerve, flat spines 4 cm forward, impotence Zaoxie enuresis fine, prolapse prolapse gastroptosis, prostatitis and intestinal wind.
(three-inch needle puncture flat 2-inch forward, Baihui an inch)
2. lumbago points
Location: the points located in the middle of his forehead.
local anatomy: distribution of arterial and venous branches of the medial trochlear and trigeminal nerve, supraorbital nerve distribution of both sides of the forehead.
acupoints principles: positioning point selection, cross-point selection principle.
acupuncture features: the thorn to thorn trochlear nerve, or about to occur is appropriate supraorbital nerve.
practices: acupuncture technique using interpolation down to mention, when you meet the requirements acupuncture, the needles can be . unilateral low back pain for the flat thorn practices, not to mention insertion, patients with severe pain, low back pain is not fully under control, but does not occur in the case of halo pin, you can needle retention.
acupuncture: the limitations of acupuncture appears to strengthen The main inflation tingling.
functions: blood circulation of more to regulate the nerves, anti-inflammatory pain.
Indications: lumbar soft tissue injury, herniated disc, ankylosing spondylitis, acute lumbar sprain, lumbar muscle strain, sciatica , a variety of unexplained low back pain.
note: low back pain point is the naming of a particular site feature points, clinical for the treatment of lower back caused by acute inflammation and chronic inflammatory lesions based. especially the lumbar soft tissue injuries, disc . sciatica caused by inflammation related points need with Acupuncture, Point hip pain, knee pain points, ankle pain points. usually in the inflammatory phase, edema of the need to stay in bed 3m4 weeks. until after clinical cure, even within two months reduce environmental triggers in order to consolidate the clinical efficacy.
verses: the amount of low back pain acupuncture center, acupuncture trochlear nerve, positioning acupoints three directions, attending all kinds of back pain, intervertebral disc in lumbar sprain, lumbar muscle strain with the spirit of .
(3-inch needle with bilateral low back pain / lower back pain down in the inch flat thorn 1m2, left flank pain to the right flat spines, the right level of lumbar puncture to the left, the Ministry waist up square inch barbed 1m2)
3. First Aid Point
Location: this point in the nasolabial fold line with the midpoint of the nasal septum.
Anatomy: Do not have orbicularis muscle and the buccal branch of the facial nerve, infraorbital nerve branches and the upper lip vein.
take Point principles: Location acupoints.
acupuncture Features: acupuncture infraorbital nerve or facial nerve buccal branch of acupuncture appears appropriate.
function: Xingnao Kaiqiao, Yang deficiency, anti-shock, treatment coma, regulate nerve, anti-inflammatory pain.
Indications: shock, coma, syncope, motion sickness, seasickness, motion sickness, can also be used for the treatment of clinical stroke, pediatric emergency, irritability, hysteria, epilepsy, schizophrenia, acute lumbar sprain , hemorrhoids, hypotension, hypertension, coronary heart disease.
note: emergency first aid point is the preferred point for one of the patients, based on a specific naming Indications point. choose the point with the point selection convenient, needle and strong sense of efficacy prominent. Clinical mainly used for various emergencies, mainly in patients with severe and coma. means twisting repeatedly lift and thrust to increase the amount of stimulation. for the rapid strengthening of acupuncture effects, which can coordinate with the relevant points, such as first aid Buck Point chest pain points, points back pain, sore throat and other points, if necessary, to actively cooperate with the first aid measures TCM and Western medicine, in addition to or in the care of the elderly is one point.
verses: first aid burrowing septum, orbital following acupuncture nerve, labial furrows on the gill septum oblique shock coma and stroke.
(1-inch needle obliquely upward 0.3m0.5 inch, 45-degree angle)
4. stomachache point
Location: The point at numbness of the mouth or under the jaw inch 3 cm lateral to the center point (1.5 inch).
Anatomy; in the orbicularis oris muscle and the muscle between the cloth has a third branch trigeminal nerve mandibular nerve branches of a few lower lip vein.
acupoints principles: Nanzuonvyou acupoints.
acupuncture Features: trigeminal nerve third branch of acupuncture needles produced a sense of appropriate.
methods: Needle acupuncture techniques
: the limitations sense of needle expansion based emerging tingling.
function: Spleen Stomach, regulate gastrointestinal, psychological balance, blood circulation, liver and gas, anti-inflammatory pain, stomach digestion, promote ulcer healing.
Indications: acute gastritis, chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, acute stomach cramps, diaphragm spasm. can also be used for clinical treatment of motion sickness, seasickness, motion sickness, indigestion in children, primary dysmenorrhea, diabetes. but also as a health point.
note: with a few selected points, acupuncture area, quick, simple, easy to spread and so on. clinically not only for the treatment of upper abdominal lesions, but also as a chronic disease of the supporting points, points can be a substitute dysmenorrhea, dysmenorrhea treatment of gynecological .
verses: stomach pain, lower jaw next to the point, Nanzuonvyou take the good, anti-inflammatory pain by the trigeminal, gastritis and ulcers cramps, motion sickness, nausea and dysmenorrhea, dyspepsia served as yet.
(45 degree angle into the needle, points to the opposite side flat stomach stab 1m2 inch)
5. hemiplegia point
Location: Apex on a 3 cm.
Anatomy: cloth with temporalis muscle and frontal branch of superficial temporal artery and vein, ear temporal nerve branches, greater occipital nerve anastomosis.
acupoints principles: cross-point selection.
features: needle piercing the temporal nerve branches or greater occipital nerve anastomosis.

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